Contribute to this Site
This site requires contributions from our visitors


Email us at [[email protected]] with articles and we’ll put it up.

Do not send anything illegal or distressing. Do not send leaked or 'insider' information; there is no way for us to disprove we're here to entrap whistleblowers.

Long Version

This site exists to record research done into Pedogate; nothing more and nothing less. Our motivation is to help others find the truth and we hope that is true for our contributors.

If you have found something—or perhaps you have already completed research into a particular area—please consider emailing it through to us. We will put it on the site.

This is far easier than writing a markdown file; we’ll do that bit for you.


If you wish you can write your document at stackedit. When you are finished just click the hash in the top right corner, click ‘export’ and click export as markdown.

Then send us the file.

Don’t fiddle with putting images in the file; just send us the images you want in.

Probably best to contact us first before spending time.


Email us and we can set you up with but it’ll need some training.


Send us markdown files; the template to this website looks like this:

title: Contribute to this Site
date: 2018-04-12 12:42:32 +0000
description: This site requires contributions from our visitors
metadescription: How to contribute articles 
author: Last Men in Europe

This site exists to record research done into Pedogate; nothing
more and nothing less. Our motivation is to help others find the
truth and we hope that is true for our contributors.

If you have found something---or perhaps you have already completed
research into a particular area---please consider emailing it through
to us. We will put it on the site.

This is far easier than writing a markdown file; we'll do that bit for you.

## OR

Point us at your Blog or Steemit

## OR

If you wish you can write your document at
[stackedit]( When you are finished just click
the hash in the top right corner, click 'export' and click
_export as markdown_.

Then send us the file.

Don't fiddle with putting images in the file; just send us the
images you want in.

Probably best to contact us first before spending time.

## OR

Email us and we can set you up with []( but
it'll need some training.

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